
Ethical Fashion- a Blessing for the Fashion Industry

Sustainable fashion is a form of ethical fashion. Animal welfare is a form too. Apart from that, fair trade and keeping in mind how your actions will affect the environment is also a part of ethical fashion. I learned all that and more about it.

So today I will be sharing my knowledge with you.

Implications of Fast Fashion

In case you think that you are the most fashionable person who does not repeat clothes and decide to start your own blog about it, think again. Because all you are doing is adding to the pollution. And you do not realize what harm this practice is causing to the planet.

Compared to what it was 15 years ago, an average person now buys 60% more clothing pieces However, people continue to buy and that keeps on adding to the waste that the fashion industry produces. According to researches, the fashion industry is responsible for emitting 8% of the world’s total greenhouse gases.

Here are all the ways in which fast fashion contributes to pollution and everything negative:

  • Production of chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
  • The fashion industry offers poor working conditions to the workers.
  • This industry is consuming a lot of natural resources (water) and land.
  • Contribution to global water pollution is an ugly reality.
  • Fast fashion contributes to waste.
  • There are serious health hazards associated with this practice.
  • Fast fashion is expensive.

Why Consider Sustainable Fashion

You will be shocked to learn that the fashion industry is the second most polluting one in the world after oil and gas. Therefore, choosing sustainable fashion becomes a need of the hour and something that the majority should subscribe to.

The sad part is that fast fashion is another horrible truth. It is something that is responsible for polluting the world. Because fashion companies keep creating more and more products including shoes, clothes, bags, and jewelry to meet the demand of the people.

In all this hopelessness, sustainable fashion seems like a ray of light that can change the industry for good. Let’s see some of the ways in which people o companies are playing their part to contribute to this brilliant ‘cause’.

A Step Towards Sustainable Fashion

Various companies and individuals are doing what they can in their capacity to help make this Earth a better place. There are initiatives like recycling common fabrics that include polyester and cotton. Although done on a small scale, for now, it is a step in a positive direction.

Other than that, new models of ownership have been introduced that allow people to rent a dress or shoes rather than purchasing a new one. You can also return a piece of clothing after you are done wearing it. Many companies are trying to introduce models that are environmentally friendly. For example, Mud Jeans will accept your returned worn jeans and resell it as a part of its vintage collection after repairing it.

There are even companies that would lend you designer wear in exchange for some money. These companies are gaining popularity among individuals. It’s not only them but Financial Times is also profiling such companies.

And here is how you can play your part in contributing to sustainable fashion.

What can I Do?

You can choose to minimize the environmental impact that fast fashion is causing and feel proud of yourself later. Here is what you can do:


Consider reducing the number of clothes that you purchase. By doing so, you will, in fact, be reducing the number of resources that the industry puts into producing clothes. Another popular way amongst supporters of sustainable fashion is to go for vintage. You can consider investing in pre-used, old clothes and make them a part of your vintage collection.

Other than that, put thought into what your clothes are made of. Ditch the synthetic fibers and opt for natural ones.


You should invest in high-quality pieces to increase their life. Hence, allowing your own self to wear them for a longer period of time. Hence, reusing your clothes. Consider borrowing or renting clothes if you know that you will wear it once or twice.


Watch out for textile recycling bins and dump your old clothes in that. Companies take these clothes and recycle the material to create new ones. Thus, reducing pollution.

Key Factors

Here are the seven key factors of sustainable fashion:

  • Clean and green
  • Fair and Ethical
  • Repair and upcycle
  • Custom and tailored
  • Quality and timeless
  • Secondhand and vintage
  • Rent and swap

If you wish to support new fashion trends, then you should consider making these seven key factors a part of your life.

You can also consider upgrading to new clothes in exchange for old ones and paying a little amount of money above that.