Protecting your oral health needs a lifetime of care. Without proper care, gum problems can lead to cavities, pain, and tooth loss. These issues may lead to malnourishment and other health problems. You can stop these problems with the right dental care, both at home and in the dentist’s chamber. The following are five ways that can keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
Teeth have an outer coating named enamel. Every time you eat, a thin film of bacteria build up on your teeth. The bacteria produce acids that can damage enamel and cause cavities. Best Dental always emphasize preventive dental care, which starts with proper brushing using fluoride toothpaste. Brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste helps to prevent tooth decay.
Use the right toothbrush
It would be best if you had a soft-bristled toothbrush which should last two to three months. Brush heads with tapered bristles work more effectively and gently. Replace the brush when you notice bent bristles, and don’t wait long. A bent bristle tip can cause bleeding gums. While brushing, you also need to practice proper technique. Overly aggressive brushing can damage your teeth and gum line.
Limit soft drinks and sugary foods
Acids in soft drinks dissolve the minerals in teeth enamel, making them susceptible to cavities. When you eat sugary foods, bacteria in dental plaque convert the sugar into acids causing holes. In severe cases, teeth may get damaged right down to the root. To protect your pearly whites try to cut down on sweet treats, and aim to clean your mouth after every meal or snack.
Avoid tobacco
Quitting tobacco is necessary for your oral health. Nicotine has a very damaging effect on gum tissues. Chewing or smoking tobacco not only turns your white teeth yellow but also reduces blood flow in the gums, making your gums more prone to infection. Continuous use of tobacco can degrade the bones that support your teeth, causing tooth loss. Even more, tobacco chemicals may trigger oral cancer.
See a dentist
Many people don’t visit dentists yearly because of plain neglect, finances or phobia. But paying a visit to a dentist every six months can lower the risk of oral health problems considerably. How often you need to see a therapist depends on your age, health history and overall oral health. However, if you notice any changes in your mouth, don’t hesitate to see a dentist.
Final thoughts
Like adults, children also need good dental care from infancy. Regular wiping an infant’s gum with a warm, wet washcloth is a good practice. Doing this removes sugar from the gums and makes the baby familiar with regular oral cleaning. Once a baby has teeth, start to brush twice a day with a very soft baby brush. Most importantly, take the baby to a dentist every six months.
To put it simply, maintaining proper oral care from early years to adulthood prevents teeth and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, using fluoride toothpaste, limiting soda and sugary treats, quitting tobacco and regular dental checkups can help you to avoid cavities, tooth loss and other dental diseases. Healthy gum may also benefit your overall health and signal a long life.