Day: August 24, 2022


The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Financial Risk Manager

Introduction Financial risk management is the process of identifying, quantifying, mitigating, or transferring financial risks. Financial risks can be categorized into four types: credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. Credit Risk is the probability that a borrower…


Selling More Products Online: A Quick Guide

Whether you’re looking to shift some stock or you’d just like to increase your online revenue and profits, selling more products online is always an objective of e-retailers. It’s something that can take time and skills to learn and execute,…

Social Media

Twitter Hired Indian Government Reps Who Could Access Data: Whistleblower

The informant asserted that Twitter distorted on its straightforwardness reports that it knew Indian government delegates were on its finance. Allegations from a previous Twitter Inc. leader that the interpersonal organization had remiss information insurances have started worries among officials…