
Selling More Products Online: A Quick Guide

Whether you’re looking to shift some stock or you’d just like to increase your online revenue and profits, selling more products online is always an objective of e-retailers. It’s something that can take time and skills to learn and execute, which is why many stores fail to harness the power of the internet to sell products at a high rate. This guide offers four quick-fire tips to help you get more of your products out of the door and on their way to customers. Read on to learn some key ways in which you can boost sales in the latter half of 2022.


You’ll know from experience that shoppers often search for the best-value deal when they’re searching for products online. For many people, that means using the drop-down filter manually and selecting “sort by price”. If your products are some of the cheapest in their category, they’ll be seen far more frequently than products that are mid-range in terms of their price. Now, you won’t always be able to drop your price to make it competitive. But if you can, it’s well worth doing as it’ll help you quickly shift stock.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Next up, you should consider a form of Amazon advertising that’ll help you get seen by the precise consumers you’re looking to be introduced to. Pay-per-click advertising, or PPC, is a form of advertising that will only charge you if a consumer is interested in looking at your product, clicking on it when it’s presented on their screen. To run successful PPC advertising campaigns, partner with experts in the field such as Nuanced Media so you can target consumer groups with skill, helping you secure more of them as customers.


There are many ways to run promotions online. Sometimes you can offer a deal if a consumer buys two products instead of one. You can offer discount coupons and rewards for return customers, which you send to their inbox using email marketing techniques. Or you can simply add a timer to your product listings, sharing that there’s a limited-time offer on certain product lines in your store. All of these will encourage consumers to feel that they’re securing a bargain at your store and that they should make a purchase right away to take advantage of the promotions you’re running.

Attractive Listings

If you’re struggling to make high numbers of sales without using the three methods listed above, it might be because people aren’t interested in viewing your listings when they’re shown to them. This might be because you’ve taken poor-quality photographs of your products, or you’ve added product descriptions with spelling mistakes in them. Both of these will make people distrust your store, making you seem unprofessional and slap-dash. Change these to make them look professional and trustworthy to generate more sales and confidence in your entire store.

There you have it: four important ways in which you can secure more sales of your products in the online marketplace in 2022 and beyond.