
5 Things You Must Know About Multi-Cap Funds

Multi-Cap Funds-Numerous considerations go into the decision to invest in a mutual fund. The final selection is based on your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and investment goals. Investors with various risk appetites are catered to by mutual funds that make investments depending on the market capitalisation of firms.

Mutual funds for small-cap companies typically offer strong returns but are very risky. Although mid-cap mutual funds give lower returns than small-cap funds, they are less risky. The least dangerous of all the funds are large-cap ones.

Some funds invest in the largest corporations in India, funds that invest in mid-sized and smaller organisations, funds that invest in tiny enterprises, and funds that invest in large, small, and mid-sized businesses. Multi-Cap Mutual Fund is this form of fund.

What is Multi-Cap Fund?

Multi-cap funds are mutual equity funds that place most of their assets in businesses with various market cap equities. They make investments in large-, mid-, and small-cap firms. Depending on the fund manager’s goal, they invest in these various businesses in varying amounts.

5 Things To Know About Multi-Cap Funds

Risk Management

The risk-return profile of multi-cap funds is believed to be modest. They can do better than large-cap and mid-cap funds when markets are rising. Additionally, they sell profitable small-cap companies while the markets are rising.

However, large-cap funds can function as a buffer when markets are weak to prevent the returns from eroding and being badly impacted. Long-term, they exhibit less volatility than mid-cap funds but are riskier than large-cap funds. With changes in the market, fund managers also have the discretion to devote more fund resources to a particular capitalisation.


Depending on the various market companies, multi-cap fund managers can change their portfolios. By doing so, they can spot possibilities for growth and choose wise investments that will yield the highest profits.


Under various market conditions, different businesses operate in different ways. A multi-cap fund invests in various companies in multiple industries and sizes. This enables you to diversify your risks and profits as an investor.

Right Portfolio

These mutual funds can alter the composition of their portfolios to meet the state of the market thanks to the flexibility in choosing the mix of large, mid, and small-cap stocks. For instance, the fund manager can switch to large caps and adopt a defensive strategy if mid and small-cap stocks get overvalued and appear to be on the verge of becoming large-size stocks.


These funds’ returns are influenced mainly by their fund manager. Returns are impacted by their perspective on the markets. It will rely on how the management chooses stocks in light of the state of the market. Higher returns may be available with these mutual funds. These funds have provided average returns of 6 to 9 per cent over the past three years. Over five years, average returns range from 9 to 12 per cent, depending on the market stage.


Following the SEBI mandate, multi-cap funds are equity funds that invest at least 25% of their assets in each of the three capitalisation categories of the big, medium, and small shares and related instruments. Due to its adaptability and diversity across all industries and capitalisations, this fund distinguishes out.

You might need to maintain your position in mid-cap stocks even when the markets perform poorly if you invest in mid-cap funds. Similarly, when markets are favourable, large-cap funds cannot fully utilise the potential of small and midsize enterprises. On the other hand, multi-cap funds offer a great synthesis of all capital markets, allowing you to make a good income while balancing the risks and returns.