
Deep Brain Stimulation And The Process Involved

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is one of the most advanced surgical procedures which involve electrical pulses that are used to treat any abnormal activity of the brain. In this process, electrodes are implanted in certain areas of the brain and are used to deliver electrical impulses. Another purpose that these electrodes serve is to balance the chemical imbalance in the brain. These electrodes are controlled with a programmable pulse generator that is placed beneath the skin of the upper chest region.

The DBS system has three main components that function in sync to control the brain.

  1. The electrodes: These are thin, insulated wires that are inserted into a specific area of the brain via a small opening.
  2. Extension wire: An extension wire is placed under the skin of the head, neck, and upper chest region that connects the electrode and the internal pulse generator.
  3. IPG: It is a device that is used to control the pulse generated by the electrodes in the areas of the brain.

Causes of Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain stimulation is used to treat patients with movement disorders such as essential tremors, Parkinson’s disease, and Dystonia. Additionally, epilepsy and Obsessive-compulsive disorders can also be treated using the technique. Deep Brain stimulation is the ultimate solution when the medications do not work on the patients as expected.

Some common symptoms of Deep Brain Stimulation are:

Each disease comes with its symptoms, but with DBS some very common symptoms are visible.

In Dystonia, one can feel involuntary muscle contractions during specific actions such as walking or writing. Moreover, these contractions worsen under stress and anxiety.

Epilepsy often leads to a staring spell, confusion, lack of focus, unconsciousness, and emotional response such as fear or Deja vu.

Obsessive-compulsive disorders are often marked by aggressiveness towards oneself or others, fear of germs, and the need to maintain hygiene excessively such as hand washing and cleaning, compulsive counting, and checking things repeatedly.

Symptoms for Parkinson’s disease include abnormal walking, tremors, slowed movement, and stiffness.

These are some common signs that should not go unnoticed. As these symptoms increase in intensity, DBS is often needed to carry the treatment forward.

Deep Brain Stimulation treatment in India

India is a rather popular destination when it comes to DBS because of its world-class infrastructure, highly professional doctors, and technological advances. Brain stimulation treatment in India is also affordable when compared to other developed nations thus making it a preferred medical destination. India has many world-class hospitals that offer the best services. Some of these include Artemis health institute (Delhi), Global health city (Chennai), Sterling Wockhardt (Mumbai), Fortis hospital (Mumbai), and Aakash healthcare super specialty hospital (Delhi).

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