
Self-Care Tips To Help You Boost Your Physical, Mental, And Emotional Health

Let’s not sugarcoat it: the year 2020 was a challenging year for the wellbeing of emotional and mental health. Mental health is a silent pandemic happening alongside the novel coronavirus. With quarantines, social distancing, lockdowns, and ongoing uncertainty, loneliness is at its peak. Thriving individuals are few and far between since many are isolated and lonely with limited support.

Well, we are here in the New Year – it’s known to bring a hopeful and fresh feeling upon thinking about what went down the previous year. You’ve probably set some intentions or made some resolutions or want to eat better and work out more. Some of you might have planned a new relationship, or perhaps you want to improve an existing one. Setting some career goals to achieve in 2021 can also be the right choice.

Whatever resolutions they are, they should support your wellbeing while you take good care of yourself. As the new year begins, you have an opportunity to start or continue taking charge of your wellbeing. Having taken good care of yourself, you’ll be in a better position to achieve the things you’re passionate about, as well as being there for others.

That said, it should be safe to say that we’re cautiously optimistic about what this year will bring, from personal goals to health, nutrition, and fitness. Below is a comprehensive list of wellbeing to-dos in 2021:

  • Pay close attention to your mental health

More than ever, mental health was in the spotlight in 2020. Being an essential element of wellbeing, you must take stock of and look after your mental health. Ensure you maintain and honor appointments with your therapist for therapy sessions. If you think you can benefit from such and don’t have one, it’s probably the ideal time to start looking for the best online therapy session provider or a suitable support group.

You can also care for your mental health by taking small steps. Take some time and explore new ways of nurturing your mental health. To manage your stress, thoughts, and anxiety, you could try journaling. It will help you create your self-care routine so that you cope with hard times with ease.

  • See your doctor if possible

You might be able to have a routine checkup at your doctor’s office, even during the pandemic. It will depend on:

  • Any risk factors you may have to consider
  • Specific policies at your doctor’s office
  • Your existing health conditions that may require more in-person visits

Calling your doctor’s office is important, as your specific health needs can be assessed based on your medical history. That goes for both specialists like dermatologists and gynecologists or primary care physicians. Don’t forget to check with your optometrist and dentist about your eyes and teeth.

If telehealth services are available to you, you can take advantage of them, which also depends on your doctor’s policies as well as your needs. The CDC advocates telehealth, as it can offer urgent, low-risk care for other conditions that are not COVID-19-related. It helps monitor for clinical signs of chronic medical conditions such as blood glucose and blood pressure problems and supports individuals managing chronic conditions.

  • Feed well

This might be an ideal time to plan a perfect eating plan or restrictive diet. Adding more vegetables and fruits to your daily meals will go a long way to keep you healthy – you don’t have to embark on an extensive diet journey. Also, don’t forget to drink at least two liters of water per day as recommended by doctors to keep you hydrated and healthy. You could also consult a nutritionist or dietitian if you want to make significant dietary changes. It will help you customize recommendations based on your preferences and lifestyle.

  • Exercise more

Ensure to add a workout schedule at the top of your New Year’s resolution list. Consistently exercising your body is one of the many ways that can help you maintain mental sharpness. Even adding some activity or movement to your routine can be useful for your mind and body. You could grab a workout buddy who will hold you accountable, even if you don’t see each other in person. While you can push yourself to the limits, be careful not to overdo it to avoid causing bodily injury. Try to make these activities fun to increase the probability of sticking to this plan.

  • Try changing your surroundings

Since you’re likely to have spent quite a lot of time at home, it might be ideal for you to switch things up now if you can. To create the feeling of a fresh start, you could refresh your space by rearranging or redecorating. Include features that have wellness benefits, such as an air purifier, diffuser, or humidifier. Need to get those z’s? Then invest in some luxury bedding.

  • Check-in on your relationships

The year 2020 undeniably changed the way people interact. Having been quarantining and unexpectedly spending the most time with immediate households, some of your relationships may have broken down as a result of the unfortunate events of social distancing and multiple lockdowns. You could also have been pushed to reconnect with long-lost loved ones or brought closer to others.

People have experienced different situations, but it’s now the right time to take a look at and review the relationships in your life. What can you do this year to strengthen them? How can you create and do some need boundaries? Find time to check in on the people you love while you open yourself to meeting new people. These are just a few of the things you need to think about this year so that your relationship life becomes active again.

While events from 2020 can seem discouraging, it also turned people inward, and they became more proactive about their mental health. According to Mental Health America, 93% more people took anxiety self-screening tests while others sought help with their mental health.

As the year 2021 begins, you may have thought of some goals you want to achieve; whether they’re centered on your personal life, career, health, or relationships, make a game plan, and don’t beat yourself up if you fail to reach them all by the end of this year.